Sunday, July 22, 2018

You just got fired or laid off? Check out this article...

This article came out a few days after my one year work anniversary. The reason I had changed jobs this time is because I was laid off by my previous employer. While I did have a decent severance to cushion the blow, none of it is easy. So I wanted to share this article with all of you...

I wanted to share this because like life insurance, it's always good to know what to expect since you probably won't be thinking clearly at that moment.

I was happy to see that they immediately suggested not signing severance documents right away, and I love the suggestion to try and negotiate health benefits in addition to money.

I also like that they suggested that both parties can agree to describe the separation as mutual if possible!

Yes! Definitely ask as many questions as possible, but again, it may be hard since you might be in shock and cannot formulate the questions at that moment. Taking a day or two and reaching back out to HR later is such a good idea.

Speaking of health care, I thought it was a good idea to go to the doctor right away if possible, while you are covered.

With all the stress piled on you, I do also agree that you need to take care of you'll have time to walk and work out. Be sure to find some activity to help clear your mind and deal with the stress.

Regardless of the reason for the separation, file for  unemployment! I had to have a friend help me walk through the steps the first time it happened. But you will have to pay taxes on those checks.

After taking a day or two to refocus, you must immediately look forward and find something new. Your new job will be to job hunt and other than some exercise, you can use this time to focus on that alone. (It's often hard to find the motivation and time to job hunt while employed.)

And of course following my steps here for what you need to do to get your job search going:

Anyway, after thinking about the past year and going through all the emotions of being laid off, I was happy to see Penny Hoarder post this helpful article.

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